Welcome to Best Life After Cancer. I am Shari Berman a two-time cancer survivor. My blog is targeted to the millions of cancer patients and survivors who are looking for hope and inspiration in light of the challenges of a cancer diagnosis. My Story Diagnosed as a young adult, at age 25 with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I had to quickly face the reality of life’s curveballs. My treatment offered a potential cure while at the same time, underestimated the long term side effects including a secondary cancer (breast cancer) nine years later. Shortly after my breast cancer treatment ended, my youthful, seemingly healthy mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and passed a year later. I have lived the cancer experience as a patient and a family member/ caregiver and understand both sides. Life after treatment is often challenging emotionally and physically and there is a gap in providing needed support. I don’t consider cancer a gift as it is not something I would ever want to give to someone. Rather, I view cancer as an opportunity; one I received at an early point in my life to live intentionally, understanding how things can change at any moment. I live without regrets, fully understanding the gift and fragility of life.


Gratitude: My Favorite Things 2018

Buckle your seatbelts, for this is the time of year when chaos erupts. The Christmas music and decorations fill the space, and Thanksgiving is upon us. Family comes from near and far, meals are prepared and life just speeds up….


The Man I Met On A Plane

I will admit these things tend to happen to me more than others. It could be because I like to talk. My conversation may seem to be “all over the place” at times filled with constant zigs and zags. I…

Advocacy, Inspiration

Dear Superman,

Dear Jack, I don’t think I have ever met anyone like you. Sure I have met strong, inspirational people but they broke the mold with you. I wish there were more people out there like you. You exhibited incredible strength,…