I Outlived My Doctor. Now What?
This wasn’t supposed to happen. I feel like I was just punched in the stomach. It was his job to make sure I was ok, survived my cancer and lived a long life. He researched all the late effects of…
This wasn’t supposed to happen. I feel like I was just punched in the stomach. It was his job to make sure I was ok, survived my cancer and lived a long life. He researched all the late effects of…
De-cluttering my life
I don’t know about you but I have been in a bit of a funk for the last few months. Maybe it was the cold and often erratic weather, less daylight during the winter months or the fact that I…
I have been through a lot. Sometimes I feel like a walking medical experiment. Cancer twice, and the loss of my mother who also had cancer. Hundreds of appointments, blood tests, and procedures and enough radiation to light up the sky….
When you think about going to the doctor, what is one of your biggest pet peeves? Waiting to be called? Having to fill out forms over and over? I could put together an extensive list but in the end…
Life is short. Don’t wait for the perfect moment to DO or SAY something important to you. Death is not a failure. It is part of life and the more we accept that fact the more we can live intentionally…
Today is Mother’s Day. I miss my mom. Today. Everyday. I close my eyes. I can see her, feel her next to me. I can see her smile, remember her hands holding mine. It is unimaginable that it has been…
Let us face it. Truth be told. Life is not easy. Life throws us things at the most inopportune times. When we aren’t prepared and don’t have the time or the patience to deal with it. That is how it…
I have to admit it. I still feel the stigma. I rack my brain to figure out why this thing tugs at me. Where does that stigma come from and is it doing more harm by preventing me, all of…
Today life as he knew it changed. Forever. Today my friend was diagnosed with cancer. Only those who have been diagnosed before truly understand. The fear. The unknown. The out-of-body feeling. The second-guessing. The lack of control. How did this…